Cancer Coaching ServiceWhether you or someone you know has been recently diagnosed with cancer or has been battling cancer for some time, the quality of the treatment and the care received is essential to well-being during this stressful time. Frank Cousineau has been doing consulting work about cancer clinics for over 30 years. His knowledge of the doctors and treatment options can assist you in making a decision related to your overall well-being. A regular consultation about the cancer clinics provides an evaluation of your condition and situation, plus information on clinic and treatment options. Frank Cousineau can be reached at: Phone: (209)-529-4697 Email: info@lifesupportweb.com His wife Chayo schedules his consultations and will be very willing to help you schedule an appointment. Please do not hesitate to leave a voicemail if your call is not answered. Also, if you purchased one of the Special Reports (see our links page) or came to us from cancertutor.com, you will receive $25.00 off your consultation. There is no minimum, nor maximum time for a consultation. We take the number of minutes we talk, plus the time to prepare a Summary, divide it by 60 (minutes in an hour), then multiply it by $ 150.00 (per hour), and subtract the $ 25.00 Discount. You don’t pay until you are satisfied with our service. Thank you! Please let us know if there is anything we can do. |
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